
Free Pancakes when you donate blood!

Oct 09, 2021 | Uncategorized

If you didn’t know, there is nation wide shortage of blood donors right now. Covid has wreaked havoc on so many thing, and our local blood bank was not spared. The need for blood is greater than ever and outside of encouraging our staff to donate blood, we decided to partner with the Blood Bank of Hawaii and help reward those that are donating in the month of October.

If you donate blood at any of the Oahu Blood Banks of Hawaii, they will give you a certificate for 3 free pancakes, not purchase necessary. You can choose which type of pancakes you want as well.

Choose between chocolate chip, coconut, or buttermilk. Of course, you’ll have pour some of our maple, guava or coconut syrup to it.

Again, if you are able, please take the time and effort to go out and donate blood this month and help us get out of the deficient. Mahalo for all you support and Aloha.